
Wondering what there is to do in 手机版, Kentucky?  这个清单很长.  Take a look at our video below and see all that 手机版 has to offer.

Fort Jefferson Historic Site & 纪念十字架

杰斐逊堡纪念十字架是一个95英尺高的纪念碑,矗立在俄亥俄河和密西西比河汇合处的悬崖上. 十字架的历史始于1937年,当时一个社区合唱团的几个成员在威克利夫的古埋葬城遗址(现在被称为威克利夫土丘研究中心)的一座山上建立了一个小木制十字架. 1951年,十字架被扩大,在每年的复活节和圣诞节点亮灯泡. When Murray State University purchased the Wickliffe Mounds site in 1981, it became necessary to seek another location for the cross. 就在那时,建造一个足够高的十字架的想法诞生了,从密苏里州都能看到, Illinois and Kentucky and would be lit at night.

The highest point along the river was Fort Jefferson hill and in 1989, the 38-acre property came up for auction. 威克利夫市议会购买了这片土地,并租赁了两英亩土地作为纪念十字架的地点. In 1990, 一个委员会选择了“汇合处的杰斐逊十字堡”这个名字,因为它的位置在俄亥俄和密西西比河汇合处之上,而且三州的公民将被要求在财政上支持建设,这是“一起流动”的想法. “纪念”一词是在决定该项目将用于纪念亲人时添加的.

手机版51个教堂的代表被邀请加入一个全县委员会,监督十字架的资金,23个教堂接受了这个角色. A fund raising goal of $150,000 was set. By 1992 with less than $22,于是,人们决定出售摆放在十字架底座周围的花岗岩砖. 人们可以购买砖块来纪念所爱的人,或者在砖块上刻上他们的姓氏.

1994年5月22日举行了奠基仪式,电视和报纸都进行了报道. By the time the cross was completed in 1999 the total cost had exceeded $300,000. The Cross site is used for many purposes. There have been weddings, 追悼会, candle light services on September 11, and the annual Easter sunrise service. It is a popular site to visit for residents and people passing through on Highway 51. 从这里可以很好地看到密西西比河和俄亥俄河的汇合处,这里也是刘易斯和克拉克探险队的历史遗址.

Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site

威克利夫土丘国家历史遗址是密西西比土丘建造者的史前美洲原住民村庄的考古遗址. Located on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi river, the village was occupied from about 1100 AD to 1350 AD. 密西西比人在一个中心广场周围建造了一个复杂的定居点,里面有永久性的房屋和土丘. They farmed the river bottoms and participated in a vast trade 网work. They also buried their dead here with dignity and respect. After the 1300s the Mississippians at Wickliffe Mounds abandoned the village.


Early settlers to the region probably knew about the mounds at this site, but made little mention of it. 第一个正式的通知出现在1888年,当时测绘员Robert Loughridge为肯塔基州绘制了土丘地图. 费恩·W上校. 王, a Paducah lumber magnate and relic collector, purchased the site and began excavating the mounds and developing a tourist attraction. 王, later joined by his wife, 布兰奇·布西·金, opened the site to public visitation from the beginning of his work, 最初称该遗址为“国王丘”,最终命名为“古埋葬城”.” 王 directed excavations from 1932 until 1939. Some of their excavations followed proper archaeological techniques, but their field notes and other records have disappeared. In 1946, the 王s retired and donated the site to Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah. The Western Baptist Hospital owned the Ancient Buried City from 1946 to 1983.

In recognition of the scientific importance and the educational potential of the mounds, Baptist Health donated the site to Murray State University in 1983. Murray State University reorganized the site, calling it the Wickliffe Mounds Research Center and set out to accurately understand, interpret and preserve the site with archaeologists and museum personnel in charge. 从1984年开始, 默里州立大学在威克利夫土丘进行了小规模的挖掘和考古实验室研究. In 2004, 默里州立大学将威克利夫丘考古遗址及其藏品转移到肯塔基州联邦, 商务部内阁. Designated as the Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site, the mounds are operated by the Kentucky Department of Parks. The site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is a designated Kentucky Archaeological Landmark, and is a common ground for Native American Indian cultures, 过去和现在.

该遗址的特色是一座博物馆,由3个发掘出来的具有考古特征的土丘组成, Mississippian burial practices, displays of artifacts from the site and a mural of a Mississippian village. 仪式丘是完整的,可以进入一个美丽的鸟瞰公园. 在博物馆之旅中,参观者可以使用史前工具,了解密西西比文物, technology and their environment. Wickliffe Mounds也是密西西比河沿岸所有10个州中经认证的沿大河路的解说中心之一,这些州被选中展示和连接密西西比河的历史故事.

The 巴洛 House Museum

Rustic turn-of-the century elegance awaits you at the 巴洛 House. Richly appointed with original furnishings, the 11 room house was built by local patriarch Clifton Jesse 巴洛. 他的儿子Vivian J. 巴洛, taught piano for 30 years at the prestigious Choate Boys Academy in Connecticut. From friendships made there, Viv spent 50 summers traveling the world with the American aristocracy, gradually assembling a unique collection of 20th century artifacts, 纪念品和艺术品. Quilts made by Carrie 巴洛 and many needleworks done by her son Vivian 巴洛. Museum Hours Monday 1-4pm, Friday 1-4pm and 2nd & 第四个周日下午1点到4点. 主要假期休馆. Rent the 巴洛 House for Private Gatherings starting at just $75.


西肯塔基退伍军人 & 爱国者博物馆

菲力士道635号, 威克利夫,肯塔基州42087 | Museum Curator: Sandy Hart, 270/335-3128 - KVPM献给世界各地的男人和女人,以纪念那些在捍卫自由和我们的国家-美利坚合众国的战争中服役的人.  关注战争, giving visitors a chance to explore and discover artifacts, 摄影, 艺术与叙事.  One such piece is a painting of the “Cool Fool”, 一架由塔斯基吉飞行员驾驶的飞机,他将手机版的居民丹·普莱斯带到安全地带.  Engraves bricks may be purchased for $50.00 to adorn the front walk leaving your name or inscribing in memory or honor of another, 或者把它作为一个机会,留下个性化的信息,并对任何组织表示支持.


Kentucky Great River Road

 肯塔基大河路国家风景小道将九个密西西比河州连接在一条单一的连续路线上,采用共同的营销策略,增强走廊的内在资源,并协调游客的体验. The Kentucky experience includes counties of Ballard, 卡莱尔, 西克曼, 和富尔顿, 标志着密西西比河在俄亥俄河汇合处的整个西部边界,从伊利诺斯州穿过肯塔基州到田纳西州的州界,全长约60英里.  请浏览我们的网页 www.KYGRRO.org.


肯塔基州手机版有丰富的户外体育活动,适合所有年龄段的人.  我们都听说过“位置,位置,位置”与房地产或商业场所有关. 手机版 is a prime location for outdoor activities.  手机版距离美国总人口的60%不到6小时的车程,他们正在寻找户外挑战和其他娱乐活动. 他们愿意把辛苦赚来的钱花在一个他们可以记住一辈子的假期上,并与家人和朋友分享. 他们在寻找一种历险,他们可以年复一年地回来,因为(1)他们不能在一次访问中做所有的事情(2)他们受到热烈必赢亚洲app下载,像家人一样对待.

手机版 is home to over 30,000 acres of land for outdoor enthusiasts.  Located at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, 手机版 is home to some of the nations premier waterfowl hunting.  Public hunting options include the Ballard Wildlife Management Area (8015英亩)和 Boatwright Wildlife Management Area (8389英亩).  手机版也有许多私人狩猎静修地,可供私人和导游狩猎和钓鱼.